Movies and brochures

Moving pictures, brochures and other media that have to do with establishment in our region.



  • A business Region on the move

    A Business Region on the Movie

    Many of us who live in Jämtland Härjedalen feel like real winners with the strong business environment, good development potential and not least the rich bounty of nature we have on our doorsteps.

  • Crewcomp

    Crewcomp, a shipping company in Duved/Åre.

    Per Barkman works at Crewcomp, a company that provides staffing for ships that operate all over the world,
    From the coworking offices in Duved he find it’s easy to work with the office in the Philippines and with the head office in Gothenburg.

  • Risk and Crisis Research Centre

    Risk and Crisis Research Center develops and communicates knowledge about risk, crisis and safety.

  • Nationellt Vintersportcentrum Östersund

    Sports Tech Research Centre

    Sports Tech Research Center is an interdisciplinary research center that conducts research in innovative development and verification of products, materials, technology and methods, primarily for sports and outdoor companies, hospitals and industry.

  • Vintercentrum

    Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre Vintersportcentrum

    Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre is a research center in Östersund that belongs to Mid Sweden University. In addition to conducting research, there are also test activities, training and product development. The center is known, among other things, for its test and training activities for the A-team in cross-country skiing and biathlon.

  • Entreprenörskap i Åredalen

    Entrepreneurship in Åredalen

    Meet the Iranian architect Shideh who left several world cities to finally land in Edsåsdalen, Undersåker in Åre municipality. Without losing customers and jeopardizing their business. Another proof of the new age’s opportunities for lifestyle changes and successful entrepreneurship.

  • E-hälsocentrum


    At the E-health center, companies and public activities work side by side to create new solutions for the healthcare of the future.


Folder: Wind Power



If you are interested in establishing yourself in our region or reading more about wind power, this is the brochure for you >



Many choose Jämtland Härjedalen thanks to the entrepreneurship that exists here. If you want to know more about the possibilities, read this brochure >